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Jameson Irish Whiskey 1 Litre

Jameson Original is a blend of pot still and fine grain whiskies that is as versatile as it is smooth. Triple-distilled and aged for a minimum of 4 years, this is the timeless whiskey that turned the green bottle into an icon. Perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness.

Jim Beam Black Label Extra Aged Bourbon 1 Litre

Elegant. Smooth. Refined. That's what extra aging will do to bourbon.

Jim Beam Devil's Cut Bourbon 1 Litre

Jim Beam Devil's Cut, a premium bourbon with depth and complexity that comes from liquid extracted from inside the barrel.

Jim Beam White Label Bourbon 1.125 Litre

Made to the same formula since 1795, Jim Beam White Label is aged for four years in oak barrels to create a smooth, mellow taste with hints of spice.

Jim Beam White Label Bourbon 1.75 Litre

Made to the same formula since 1795, Jim Beam White Label is aged for four years in oak barrels to create a smooth, mellow taste with hints of spice.

Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila 700ml

Jose Cuervo Especial Gold is a blend of Reposado and younger tequilas. The result is a well-balanced, smooth tequila.

Jose Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila 700ml

A true silver tequila, Cuervo Silver is the epitome of smooth. The master distillers at La Rojena crafted this unique and balanced blend to bring out tones of agave, caramel, and fresh herbs in its flavor profile. Jose Cuervo Especial Silver is made with blue agave. With its rich, volcanic soil, abundant pure spring water and temperate climate, the highest quality blue agave is transformed by the family into a fine spirit that yields clean, crisp and smooth tequila.

Kahlúa Salted Caramel Coffee Liqueur 1 Litre

This new flavor was formulated to tastily liven up an iced coffee and to give cocktail lovers a refreshing taste and delicious twist on their seasonal favourites for spring and summer enjoyment.

Kahlúa The Original Coffee Liqueur 1 Litre

Kahlúa Original Coffee Liqueur is the hero ingredient in many cult cocktails and drinks, to name a few: White Russian, Espresso Martini, Mind Eraser. Its deep brown colour is attractive and deep. Kahlúa Original Coffee Liqueur offers enticing scents of bittersweet coffee bean and roasted chestnut and multi-layered flavours of black coffee and sweet butter.

King Robert II Treble Cask Aged 1 Litre

This unique blend contains only the finest single malt and grain Scotch whiskies, long aged in a variety of oak casks for many years before being blended and bottled in Scotland. The result is a whisky of top quality which is renowned throughout the world. Sweet vanilla toffee aromas with a pleasing spicy influence. On the palate it's creamy and warming, fruity with butterscotch. Finishes long and complex.

Laphroaig Select Single Malt 700ml

Sweet upfront then classically dry in the signature Laphroaig peat and smoky style, followed by a rich finish.

Larios 12 Premium Gin Mediterránea 1 Litre

A Spanish gin made using 12 botanicals which are distilled five times. Larios 12 is made with botanicals including wild juniper, nutmeg, angelica root, coriander, Mediterranean lemon, orange, tangerine, mandarin, clementine, grapefruit, lime and orange blossom.
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