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Momo Organic Pinot Noir 750ml

The nose demonstrates earthy, herbal and dark fruit characters with hints of undergrowth. The focused palate is concentrated with succulent dark fruits and fine mouth-coating tannins.

Momo Organic Rosé 750ml

A traditional Pinot Noir dominant Rosé, displaying quite notes of delicate summer berry culmination, interlaced with pear drop floral notes. The palate suggests intensity and concentration, but stays colourful and refreshing.

Momo Organic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Satin textures and medium acidity on the palate lead in to flavours of citrus, pear, white flowers then apple and white spice.

Montana Affinity Pinot Gris 750ml

Montana Affinity Pinot Gris retains the full flavour and aromas typical of their Pinot Gris, but made in a low alcohol expression. It has aromas of ripe pear, rockmelon and white florals. The balanced fresh acid comes with generous pear, apple and confectionery notes. Perfect match with Veal scallopini, mushroom risotto, fresh salad with grilled chicken.

Montana Classics Chardonnay 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. A contemporary Chardonnay, showcasing a range of ripe fruit flavours, finishing with a creamy mouthfeel. Fleshy stone fruit with fresh citrus notes, subtle oak spices and roasted almond on the finish.

Montana Classics Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. This Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon presents a mellow harmony of fruit sweetness and savoury tannins, leading to a smoot finish with enduring dark fruit characteristics.

Montana Classics Pinot Gris 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. Ripe pear and almond blossom aromas. Fleshy palate with slight oily texture, balanced fresh acid bring through generous pear and apple flavours.

Montana Classics Pinot Noir 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. Ripe cherries and plum dance to the forefront with notes for wild berries and toasted earthy spice undertones. This generously fruit driven Montana Classics Pinot Noir displays savoury tannins and bright fruit flavours.

Montana Classics Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. This easy going and approachable wine is delivering classic aromas characteristic of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. Lively gooseberry and ripe capsicum, layered with tropical passionfruit and grapefruit undertones.

Montes Classic Malbec 750ml

Aromas of ripe fruit including black and red berries with notes of prunes and crème de cassis. As a result of its 10 months in French oak, it presents good toast intensity with aromas of chocolate, jam, and vanilla, all very well intertwined with the fruit. Smooth and medium bodied on the palate, with good persistence and outstanding notes of vanilla and caramel.

Mount Michael Pinot Noir 750ml

Crafted from pristine grapes that were hand harvested from a single Pisa vineyard Site. Naturally fermented and pressed to allow an extended period of maturation in French Oak. The Mount Michael Pinot Noir is beautifully fragrant showing aromas of dark cherries and plums, violets and raspberries and a hint of clove and vanilla. Rich and concentrated on the palate with flavours that mirror the nose. Enhanced by a mineral core of acidity and chalky dusty tannins. A delicious savoury finish with toasty oak providing an elegant structure and length. Drinking beautifully now, but you will be rewarded with further cellaring.

Mount Michael The Mountaineer Pinot Noir 750ml

The Mountaineer Pinot Noir pays homage to the pioneering spirit and sense of adventure displayed by mountain climbers confronting the forces of nature and celebrating the beauty and grandeur of the New Zealand Southern Alps. The preparation, passion and commitment are necessary to grow and make Pinot Noir in Central Otago mirror the challenges faced by these pioneering mountaineers. Ripe dark plums, cherries, violets and spice lead into a wine brimming with ample concentrated fruit flavours of red cherries and raspberries on the palate complimented by soft spices and toasty oak influence. Long to finish with bright acidity and soft ripe tannins.
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