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Mount Ridge Chardonnay 750ml

Intense aromas, generous flavours of ripe stonefruit and dry spice, with a touch of citrus, sweet vanilla and subtle oak. Mount Ridge leaned on our cousins across the ditch for the for the fruit for this classic Australian Chardonnay. Following harvest, fruit was gently pressed before settling. Specially selected yeasts were used to start fermentation. From there the wine was delicately matured on oak and lees stirred to impart lovely toasty flavours and a creamy texture.

Mount Ridge Merlot 750ml

This wine has aromas of blackberries and cassis with earthy rhubarb notes, complemented by sweet oak. The palate is elegant and finely structured with vanilla and plum on the finish.

Mount Ridge Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This Sauvignon Blanc is sourced from premium vineyards from across New Zealand. Winemaking is kept to a minimum to ensure the varietal and region characteristics shine through. After the fruit was harvested, it was gently pressed and the juice was clarified by flotation so selected Sauvignon Blanc yeasts could be added within six hours of harvest to retain as much flavour and aroma as possible. The juice was batch fermented and ferments were stopped when there was a natural sweetness in the wine which helps to balance the classic Marlborough acidity.

Mount Riley Chardonnay 750ml

An approachable wine with inviting bright fruit flavours and great texture and roundness. The oak influence delivers complexity and great intensity on the palate.

Mount Riley Riesling 750ml

A perfumed wine with nuances of lime, pear and citrus blossom underpinned by spice and nectarine characters. Dry with intense ripe fruit flavours with a crispy, racy and refreshing long finish of mineral and slate.

Mount Riley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Multifaceted nose, exhibiting vibrant aromas of pink grapefruit, passionfruit, gooseberries and currant with a touch of herbal infusion. Weighty mouthfeel with intense although refined flavours finishing with a crisp, acidity.

Mount Riley WM Sel PGris 750ml

Bright florals with apple and pear notes underscored with a fresh herbal seam with compliments of spice. The wine is just off-dry with ripe fruit flavours, rich texture and balanced acidity.

Mt Difficulty Bannockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

Mt Difficulty is a boutique winery located in Bannockburn, Central Otago, and was named after the mountain overlooking Felton road and the southern Cromwell basin. As the vineyards are ageing Mt Difficulty are starting to see additional complexity emerging each vintage. Inviting and opulent, the palate is flush with sweet cherry & blueberry, followed by trademark earth & savoury notes and framed by baking spice and fine grained French Oak. The fruit floods through to the finish with a juicy balance, indicating acidity that will keep the wine aging well.

Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Chardonnay 750ml

The grapes for Roaring Meg come from Mt Difficulty's Cromwell basin vineyards managed by their dedicated viticultural team. Roaring Meg Chardonnay features citrus floral notes, toasted brioche and a hint of cashew on the nose. Initially some classically rich Chardonnay fruit character on the palate, white stone fruit and toast notes which then picks up on the fresh and crisp finish. The wine finishes with refreshing grapefruit and lemon zest.

Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Pinot Gris 750ml

The grapes for Roaring Meg come from Mt Difficulty's Cromwell basin vineyards managed by their dedicated viticultural team. Roaring Meg Pinot Gris features lifted and aromatic notes of jasmine, green pear & grapefruit on the nose. A vibrant palate of red apple, lime, yellow plum and lychee with balanced freshness from the acidity and residual sweetness for a buoyant and juicy finish.

Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Pinot Noir 750ml

The grapes for Roaring Meg come from Mt Difficulty's Cromwell basin vineyards managed by their dedicated viticultural team. The addition of fruit from their Bendigo vineyard has lends a powerful, darker edge. Roaring Meg Pinot Noir features red, blue and black berry fruit aromatics. The palate is harmonious with rich dark berries and a savoury line underneath. A hint of spice and dried thyme complement the succulent fruit. Fine silky tannins frame the wine with a great flow and finish.

Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Riesling 750ml

The grapes for Roaring Meg come from Mt Difficulty's Cromwell basin vineyards managed by their dedicated viticultural team. Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Riesling palate shows delicious succulent ripe citrus flavours, whilst medium-dry in style, it has a lovely backbone of natural acidity. It beautifully displays the elegance and finesse of this versatile and interesting variety. Those willing to wait will be rewarded by careful cellaring.
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