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Lavau Côtes-du-Rhône 750ml

A lovely expression of blackcurrants and crushed raspberries on the nose, fresh and fruity on the palate.

Le Grand Pinot Noir 750ml

It is nicely ripe and gently lifted on the nose showing dark cherry, sweet strawberry, mixed spice and dried herb notes. The palate displays juicy fruit flavours and smooth texture, leading to a lengthy fruity finish.

Leefield Station Rosé 750ml

Leefield Station is a range of wines that celebrate the history of the iconic sheep and beef station located in the heart of the Waihopai Valley. Purchased in 2013 by Marisco Vineyards, the property inspired us to go back to the beginning with our winemaking approach.

Leefield Station Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From the makers of The Ned and The King Series, named after the iconic Leefield Station.

Leon Perdigal Côtes du Rhône 750ml

The nose has intense aromas of red fruits and spice, with subtle pepper and garrigue notes. The spice-tinged red fruits continue on the palate, which is medium-bodied and has a pleasing length.

Les Courtilles Côtes-du-Rhône 750ml

Classic Côtes-du-Rhône with an evocative nose of dark berried fruit, savoury undergrowth, a hint of oak and nuanced spice. The palate displays supple red berry and sweet cherry flavours balanced by judicious acidity and nicely textured tannins complexed by earthy notes. Beautifully balanced and flavoursome and best drunk with roast beef and dauphinoise potatoes.

Les Jamelles Clair de Rosé Pays d'Oc 750ml

Doted with lovely pale pink colour, Les Jamelles Clair de Rose is perfectly balanced, fresh, lively and round, with floral and fruity aromas of raspberry and grenadine. Enjoy well chilled (8°C) as an aperitif, with salads, grilled meats, pizza, summer vegetables, or with Asian cuisine. Catherine Delaunay likes to serve it with prawn skewers marinated in ginger and coconut milk. Or try it with a simple slice of melon and prosciutto.

Les Petites Jamelles Pays d'Oc Rosé 750ml

With its pale pink colour, this wine is brilliant in aspect. It is extremely fruity and fragrant, with powerful aromas of strawberry, sour cherry and grenadine along with citrus notes (pink grapefruit). It is extremely fresh and easy-drinking, bold, round and long on the palate with flavours reminiscent of fruit drop candies, peach and redcurrant, finishing on a note of grapefruit.

Lindauer Classic Brut 750ml

One of Lindauer's most popular wines, both here and abroad, this wine is elegant with a sparkling taste. A drier style wine, the taste is crisp and complex with notes of citrus fruits with hints of strawberry sorbet and toasty notes. It is well balanced with lifted creaminess coming from the Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes.

Lindauer Classic Fraise 750ml

Raise a glass to life's sparkling moments with Lindauer Classic Fraise. Fraise is a sweet, fruity twist on Lindauer's celebrated range, infused with the natural essence of strawberries. Its vibrant berry aromas and refreshing, bubbly finish make it the perfect choice for picnics, celebrations, or simply treating yourself.

Lindauer Classic Pinot Gris 750ml

A popular Kiwi favourite this wine is made with 100% Pinot Gris grapes offering lush flavours and soft acidity. Ideal for celebrations and the summer BBQ, pair it with cheeseboards with paté and quince paste. Best enjoyed celebrating life's moments with good company.

Lindauer Classic Rosé 750ml

Another one of Lindauer's most popular wines, the beautiful blush colour comes from the addition of Pinotage adding texture and colour. It's crafted to have fresh notes of strawberries and red berry fruits balanced with a creamy soft finish. A dry well-balanced Rosé, a perfect match with Asian Fusion, game bird or with tapas and friends.
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