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McGuigan Black Label Red 750ml

An Australian classic, this red wine is renowned for its flavour and consistency with rich fruit flavours or ripe berry and stewed plums. This is rounded off with a smooth mouth filling finish.

McGuigan Black Label Shiraz 750ml

A smooth and vibrant Shiraz exhibiting rich aromas of red berries, chocolate, savoury leather and spicy oak notes. The full rounded palate displays generous red berry fruit flavours, soft tannins and a long finish.

McGuigan Estate Merlot 750ml

This Merlot is a smooth and easy drinking wine with intense fruit flavours of plum and red berries. Pair this wine with roast chicken or tomato-based pasta dishes.

McGuigan Estate Shiraz 750ml

This Shiraz is a rich and spicy, full-bodied wine that fills the mouth with blackberries and pepper. Enjoy with roast beef or the Australian classic, a BBQ.

McGuigan Gold Label Merlot 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A soft, ripe wine with luscious rich plum-like flavours balanced with a smooth mellow finish.

McGuigan Gold Label Red Blend 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A deliciously smooth wine, bursting with flavours of ripe blackberry and cherry with hints of spice and a chocolatey finish.

McGuigan Gold Label Shiraz 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A medium-bodied wine with lush forest berries, rich mocha notes and subtle spice balanced by soft, velvety tannins.

McGuigan Private Bin Merlot 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Merlot displays the wonderful fruit flavours of raspberry, cherry and ripe plum. These are nicely integrated with caramel and vanilla oak characters to create a smooth and enjoyable red wine.

McGuigan Reserve Merlot 750ml

Aromas of dark fruit with layers of chocolate and sweet and spice. An elegant Merlot with spiced fruit on the palate, generous weight and good length of flavour.

McPherson Wines XV Pure Cabernets 750ml

Pristine Australian Vineyards. Pure water from the nearby, free flowing Murray River. Environmentally sound vineyard practices and grapes grown in McPherson's vibrant sandy loam soil combine to make this rich, full bodied and vibrant classic Australian red. XV Pure displays notes of spice and rich black fruits complemented with elegant oak. Perfectly balanced, with a firm, smooth tannin structure, it finishes with an enduring length of ripe fruit and French oak. Perfect with red meats and spicy Asian dishes, try this wine with a barbecued steak, or slow cooked, rich beef ribs.

Medici Ermete Lambrusco DOC 750ml

The Medici Lambrusco colour is intense ruby red. The bouquet is fruity and persistent with violet scent leading to sweet, fruity, fresh, lively and pleasantly harmonious. The froth is fine and rich when poured.

Mills Reef Reserve Merlot Malbec 750ml

Immediately warm and appetising, this deliciously harmonious blend of two classical Bordeaux varieties showcases boysenberry and blueberry fruits enveloped in soft caramel flavours, complemented with spicy leather and earthy musky violets.
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